September 2020 Charity & NFP Law Update
Published on September 30, 2020

By Jacqueline M. Demczur


CRA Resumes Regular Activity Schedule after Temporary COVID-19 Reprieve

The Canada Revenue Agency (“CRA”) has resumed work on charitable status revocations, after a brief suspension of activity due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The CRA announced its resumption of investigating registered charities this month after the government temporarily suspended some programs as a relief measure, including collection and compliance actions. “As a result, you may receive a call or letter from us, with a specific call to action,” the CRA stated on its website.

According to the CRA, starting September 2020, the “Charities Directorate will begin processing revocations for failure to comply with the requirements of charity registration.” This could result in a loss of charitable status and the concomitant tax benefits under the Income Tax Act. “Your charity may receive a letter by registered mail explaining the reasons why we intend to revoke your charity’s registration,” the CRA stated. “The letter will also include your objection and appeal rights.” Appeals, audits, debt collections, compliance and outreach activities — including the Charities Education Program — will also recommence this month.

The CRA also sent a reminder that the filing deadline has been extended for the T3010 Registered Charity Information Return Form, to December 31, 2020


Read the September 2020 Charity & NFP Law Update